make a donation
Make a general donation to support all our activities in France and globally.
The Dora Maar Cultural Center is a registered 501(c) (3) organizations in the United States and donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
In France, under Articles 200 and 238 bis of the French General Tax Code, your donation is eligible for a tax reduction. You can benefit from a reduction of your income tax equal to 66% of the amount of your donation, within the limit of 20% of your taxable income. If you are tax-resident in France and own a property, please contact us directly to learn of an additional tax benefit available to you.

Support a Fellowship
We have recently launched a new initiative to raise funds to directly support the fellowship program at the heart of our mission. There are several ways to join this effort; Make a gift of any amount to the following:
- General Fellowship Fund – general funds will support all fellowship related expenses
- Returning Alumni Fellowship Fund – this fund supports a DMCC alum who wishes to return to Ménerbes to work on a second project (it is available to all alums to return once after a five-year waiting period) Our 300+ alumni from over 50 countries have already contributed over $4,000 to support the Returning Alumni Fellowship Fund.
- Houston Area Artist’s Fund – support a fellowship for a visual or performing artist from the DMCC’s U.S. “hometown”
- Houston Area Writer’s Fund – support a writer, poet, or translator from the Houston Area
- Annual and Endowed Fellowship gifts allow the Dora Maar Cultural Center to provide 25 artists fully funded residencies at The Dora Maar House. A named fellowship is an ideal way to honor and remember someone who has shown sensitivity and support for the arts and cultural life.

For a gift of $15,000 / €15 000 from a single donor or a consortium of donors, a fellowship will be named for the donor(s) for one year. Donor(s) will be notified who has been selected to hold their fellowship and will have an opportunity to meet their fellow (virtually or in person) and hear about their work. Named fellowships can be for a single year, or pledged support for multiple years. The fellowship will carry the donor(s)’ selected name in all publicity and Alumni directories (both online and printed)
A gift of $400,000 / €400 000 will endow and name a fellowship in perpetuity. We would be happy to have one-on-one discussions with anyone interested in endowing a fellowship. The gift can be paid up front or over time. Planned giving opportunities, including bequests are also possible. Contact Director of Development support@maisondoramaar.org if you are interested.

The DMCC has many opportunities available for corporations, foundations, and nonprofit organizations to get involved, including funding, sponsorships, corporate memberships, and partnerships. Contact Director of Development support@maisondoramaar.org if you are interested.