Kathryn Maris is a poet, critic and occasional curator who has published three books of poetry and a chapbook. Her poems have appeared in Penguin Modern Poets 5, The Pushcart Prize Anthology and The Best British Poetry; her prose has been featured in the TLS, The New Statesman and other periodicals. A section of Kathryn’s most recent collection, The House With Only An Attic And A Basement (Penguin UK 2018), won the Ivan Juritz Prize for creative experiment. A Royal Literary Fund Fellow from 2020-2023, she now teaches creative writing at City and Guilds of London Art School and edits the poetry for Mixed Feelings, a literary magazine associated with the dating app Feeld. Based in London, she is originally from New York, and spends much of her time there.

Kathryn Maris
Critic, Curator & Poet