María Teresa Arcq Guzmán

Tere Arcq, MA, is an independent curator based in Mexico City. She specializes in women artists and surrealism in Mexico. She was chief curator at the Museo de Arte Moderno in Mexico City from 2002-2006 and since then, she has curated numerous exhibitions internationally, among them In Wonderland. The Surrealists Adventures of Women Artists in Mexico and the United States, LACMA: Los Angeles, Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico, Musée National des Beaux-Arts, Québec, (2012-13); Leonora Carrington. Magical Tales, Museo de Arte Moderno in México City, (2018), Leonora Carrington. Revelation, Fundación Mapfre, Madrid (2023). Her latest show, Remedios Varo. Science Fictions is currently on view at the Art Institute of Chicago. In co-authorship with Susan Aberth, she wrote and edited The Tarot of Leonora Carrington, London, (2020), and this year published a second and expanded edition with RM, Barcelona. 

In residency

Sep 2023

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